Word Winding

attempting to spin cacophony into sanity

Archive for the tag “toddler hugs and kisses”

Babyhood Banished

Not long ago I realized babyhood was fast becoming a thing of the past.

Today Platypup put the stamp on babyhood and mailed that sucker off.

You see, Platypup is now, dare I say it? Is there any wood to knock on out there in the interwebs?



Potty trained.


Tomorrow I will rouse myself to do the laundry as long as it takes to wash all the cloth diapers so we can banish them to the garage. Nothing but training pants and underpants for big kid Platypup!

Except we are flying across the country to visit my inlaws soon, so we will use diapers for the plane trip there and back and for nighttime just in case. But other than that, we are so very done.

Yesterday he told my dad, who was babysitting, every time he had to go to the loo, and today he ventured out of the house in underpants for the first time (armed with a bag containing two backup pairs of pants and underpants and a travel loo) and was all kinds of successful.

Lazy, half-assed, way part-time EC for the win!

And here’s the icing on the cake — the night-weaning has stuck, and more than that, Platypup has realized there are other delightful cuddly things to do in place of nursing when one awakens in the middle of the night — hugs (“Hugk!”) and kisses (“Giss!”) — and will demand them with vigor. Which helps make up for the fact that his potty trained self sometimes wakes up several times at night to visit the loo…

Platypup loves the cello… Almost as much as the drums! (Don’t mind the mess in the background; we are removing wallpaper.)

Enjoying the one day of rainy season we’ve had so far this winter… (Rain, Rain, Go Away is not a song for Californians.)

Baby wearing master. (Kid sling by Lydi-bug.)

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